3Cs Spring Fashion Show choreographer, Amy Bartoo, did double duty as a model for Silhouettes Lingerie Boutique. She had a message for event chair, Angela Cross that was a real hit with the crowd. More photos from the fashion show HERE.
an award-winning writer and photographer, Kerri has written a weekly newspaper column for almost two decades. More Main Street is the on-line offshoot of her Coeur d'Alene Press print column.
If you've been a Main Street reader through the years, here's hoping you'll enjoy this enhanced version of the print column. See photos of the people and places who appear in the column and share your thoughts and views with fellow readers. Our little corner of North Idaho is a special place to live and More Main Street will showcase those of you who contribute to our communities. Announcement.
That's Amy! If you need a job to do, you can always count on her to get it done. (Oh and great back girlfriend!) Rhonda