Today's saplings become tomorrow's shade trees. Visions of picnics, tree houses or just curling up under the beautiful leafy branches with a good book on a summer's day ... this weekend you can get free trees at the annual event at Q'emiln Park in Post Falls. Bare-root trees (4-8 ft. tall) will be distributed, two per person, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 10. Call the Post Falls Parks Department at 773-0539 or go
HERE to see the species of trees available for the give-away.
Patio umbrella lighting is a unique way to keep your patio a great place to be after dark.garden umbrellas When you consider the other types of light you could use, you can see why there could be problems when you're sitting at a table.Robert michaels sectionalIf you use overhead lighting in the area, it would be ideal if not for the umbrella.