Retired Post Falls Chief of Police
Cliff Hayes was feted on Friday evening for his 26 years with the City of Post Falls, 23 years of which he served as Chief. It was a gala evening with nearly 200 people attending. It was interesting to hear from law enforcement professionals throughout the state and region how Cliff had overseen a department known as innovative and effective. Former Post Falls mayors,
Frank Henderson,
Kent Helmer and
Jim Hammond, along with current mayor,
Clay Larkin were amoung the group pictured who spoke during the banquet. Front (l-r)
Sheriff Rocky Watson, Don Robinson-FBI, Cliff Hayes, City Councilor Scott Grant, former mayor Kent Helmer. Back (l-r) Sen. Jim Hammond, former Sen. Dick Compton, Jeff Black-POST, Chief Scot Haug, City Councilor Kerri Thoreson, Rep. Frank Henderson, Mayor Clay Larkin.

There was an array of memoribilia on display but the crowd pleaser was the Chief's 1980 Chevy Malibu patrol car, which he drove until about 1998. The vehicle sat in disrepair for many years until
John Bujosa restored it for the police department.
More photos of the evening
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