Hammond Bradford, grand champion in the “So You Think You Can Text?” text messaging contest at the North Idaho Fair poses with Phones Plus President
Chris Cheeley in front of the Phones Plus 2006 Ferrari F430 Spider F1 convertible. Hammond won a ride in the car as part of his grand prize. To put Hammond's winning time to complete a texted script of :49 (seconds) in perspective, three of the times in the Over 50 age group were
Lois Moore 5:34,
Mike Earin 5:58 and
Fred Cole 7:56! If I had entered the NIC/Phones Plus sponsored contest I'd still be at the fairgrounds trying to figure out how to turn on my phone. :)
Thanks to Stacy Hudson/NIC for the photo.
What a fun event! I did not participate but am hoping this is a tradition to be continued. It was fun to watch!